Thursday, August 28, 2008

What were we thinking?

Twelve trees in front, a dead one on the side, a split and dangerous one out back and a grove of dying dogwoods... seemed like a good idea at the time. In progress though... oh, what were we thinking? My poor yard. My poor ears.




Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting the Boy's Room Ready for Homework

Mad rush to get everything done that needs doing before back-to-school and back-to-work starts. Of course, it's crazy, the tree people are here cutting all our trees down (pictures later) and so Luke and I were stuck here in case they had questions or needed something. Good thing we had a project and half - I bought a desk for him yesterday to replace his little blue toddler table and chairs (he loved them so much but is finally outgrowing them and agrees it's time for them to go). So we got that in his room, took down his baby art and put up a surfer poster and a world map and now his room is looking very grown up with lots of space to do homework and stuff. Because we hear, 2nd grade has a LOT of homework. I put a cork board behind the desk hutch too - I think that was very smart of me, don't you? Hah.

luke's room