It was only minutes into this particular home-ownership that we discovered rat pee and droppings all over the kitchen counters and floor. Orkin was our first call that day. The Orkin guys were quick to discover this old rat's nest - they said it had been there for at least 10 years.
We soon discovered that the "leaky shower" had been leaking into the walls and floors for years. Frank began tearing that out right away in the hopes that this particular remodel project would be done before we sold our old house and moved into this one. In tearing it out we realized that the tiles were not in fact white as one would suppose, but in fact they were blue, just painted with several coats of white. And the water damage just kept going and going. Down the walls and into the floor and basement.
Here is the master bath demo. Frank was very proud of himself - he did a good job not destroying the whole bath and bedroom - though little did he realize, he wasn't quite done with demo work here.
(this post written way after the fact, way after the shock of owning this old house has worn off, just fyi)